What is the first thing that comes to your mind (apart from MS Dhoni) when you think of IPL?
Te te tee te tadenaaa
You hear it, don’t you?
How about airtel?
We are vaguely familiar with the power of a distinct identity for a brand, but the application of multiple senses in conjunction with the visual cortex has not been explored until now.
Recently several HUL brands created a distinct tunes for their identities Credit BrandMusiq These are original tunes designed as part of the brand assets to reflect the persona of the brand.
There are several aspects associated with building a brand personality, connecting and resonating your ethos with your audience holds the prime focus. For eons, we have seen visual identities do that, whether it is the Amazon smile or the bold red square of Zomato.
Unlike popular belief, Identities (logos) are not meant to reflect the entirety of your business. As the word reflect is only meant to ‘identify’ one business from the next. The key factors are memorability, resonance, legibility, and scalability. It typically must emote a feeling, a positive vibe that is the soul of the brand. There’s a multitude of exercises required to find the soul but once identified the logo should capture that essence in a visual format. That builds the foundation of a branding system – which is extending the brand essence across various touchpoints, but we’re not talking about that right now. We’re talking about audio logos.
Adding another level of sensory stimulus to your branding can strengthen brand resonance. Scientifically fMRI scans have shown that retention increases when more parts of the brain are activated while doing a certain activity. Purely on that logic, audio-visual identities will have a better recollection, and that is the fundamental aspect that any brand looks for. Mind Space.
Audio logos or MOGO as BrandMusiq calls it is a very potent tool as it works on the neurological level. When used strategically it can have a significant effect on the overall efficacy of the brand.
In my opinion, it will be commonplace in the future. With Metaverse developing at the pace that it is, soon we’ll have virtual shops with each brand blaring their specific tune in your avatar’s ear! Kinda like hawkers at Chandni chowk.
What are your thoughts?
Reach out if you want us to audit your existing brand or to create a new identity system
Your friends at Moron Design will be happy to help